Using the Power of Yoga to Improve Marketing and Grow Businesses

There’s scientific proof that yoga enhances focus & creativity. An innovative marketing consulting practice has combined the two to create maximum results for businesses and promote healthier happier workforces. 

The Mindful Marketing Retreat is an immersive 4-day marketing retreat that incorporates yoga to support wellness and better marketing planning. 

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, the need for wellness in the workplace has never been greater. Working remotely or in a hybrid setting poses unique challenges that impact mental and emotional health, as well as team connection.

To address this, brand and marketing consultant Annabelle King has created a new retreat format that incorporates wellness into the marketing planning process.

Mindful Marketing Retreats are a new and unexpected solution that integrates marketing workshops and yoga.

Yoga has been scientifically proven to increase focus, problem-solving ability, and enhance creativity, making it the perfect complement to marketing planning. Over the past 70 years, many reputable global research institutions have conducted studies to prove this. A couple of quick reads include a paper published by the Harvard Business Review on How 10-12 Minutes of Yoga can Enhance Creativity and Psychology Today's article on The Science of Creative Insight and Yoga

The retreats are designed to bring teams together for deep thinking and planning time, while also promoting wellness and connection.

The 4-day retreat program includes daily yoga sessions with internationally renowned yoga instructor Clara Roberts Oss. As well as marketing workshops led by Annabelle King, who has 20 years of experience in marketing and 12 years teaching yoga.

Participants will work together to create marketing strategies and ideas while also improving their overall well-being.

This facilitated strategy development process is also a fraction of the cost and time it takes a consultant or agency to build a marketing strategy. Annabelle jokes, “The Mindful Marketing Retreat concept will put my consulting practice, I Like Storytelling, out of business. It’s just a much more efficient way to do marketing planning.”

The next retreat will take place in September on Salt Spring Island and is designed to help teams build their marketing strategy. This unique and innovative retreat format promises to deliver amazing results for those who participate.

"We all need more wellness in our lives these days," said Annabelle King. "By combining wellness and work, we can create a more holistic approach to marketing planning that benefits everyone involved."

“It’s time we started doing marketing planning in a healthier way, it’s time for a Mindful Marketing Retreat.”

Check out video highlights & testimonials from the last retreat. And attached are some pictures of previous retreats and one of our next retreat location, the breathtaking Stowel Lake Farm on Salt Spring Island.

To learn more about Mindful Marketing Retreats visit our website.

The concept is an offshoot of I Like Storytelling, a consultancy practice that specializes in brand storytelling. I Like Storytelling has helped many brands uncover their unique value, articulate it simply and effectively communicate it so they can attract their ideal customers to grow their businesses. 

Clara Roberts Oss has 15 years’ experience teaching, training teachers and running retreats. She is the founder of Practice With Clara, a virtual yoga studio and training platform.

Media Contact:  

Annabelle King (she/her)

Founder & Marketing Consultant @ I Like Storytelling and Mindful Marketing Retreats

Written by Annabelle King, founder of Mindful Marketing Retreats & I Like Storytelling, Brand & Marketing Consultant. To learn more contact


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